Lounge - Social Area Social events
Nov 04, 2020 06:00 PM - Mar 01, 2021 07:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20201104T1800 20201104T1900 Europe/Amsterdam E-SOCIAL GATHERING - SOCIAL DINNER

Imagine you are at the conference lobby after the last session of the day has ended, and you are wandering around with a drink, networking with the rest of the participants. Now, you have the opportunity to do exactly the same, but in the virtual world. Get a drink and some snacks and walk into a virtual room to discuss interesting topics. Of course, please adapt the accompanying food and drink "menu" according to your time-zone ;)

If you find the idea of extending your research and professional network while meeting new interesting people from around the world intriguing, then this social dinner is the perfect event for you! Don't miss it! 

You may join this gathering using Zoom. Below are instructions to join the Zoom meeting.

Topic: E-SOCIAL GATHERING - SOCIAL DINNERTime: Nov 4, 2020 06:00 PM AmsterdamJoin Zoom Meetinghttps://tudelft.zoom.us/j/97474744139?pwd=UVlkaURHLzBxUTBsSjZJVVFvRTRVUT09Meeting ID: 974 7474 4139Passcode: 544076Join by Skype for Businesshttps://tudelft.zoom.us/skype/97474744139

Lounge - Social Area IEEE- Forum ISTS2020 n.fontein@tudelft.nl
16 attendees saved this session

Imagine you are at the conference lobby after the last session of the day has ended, and you are wandering around with a drink, networking with the rest of the participants. Now, you have the opportunity to do exactly the same, but in the virtual world. Get a drink and some snacks and walk into a virtual room to discuss interesting topics. Of course, please adapt the accompanying food and drink "menu" according to your time-zone ;)

If you find the idea of extending your research and professional network while meeting new interesting people from around the world intriguing, then this social dinner is the perfect event for you! Don't miss it! 

You may join this gathering using Zoom. Below are instructions to join the Zoom meeting.

Time: Nov 4, 2020 06:00 PM Amsterdam

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 974 7474 4139
Passcode: 544076

Join by Skype for Business

Delft University of Technology
Mr. Koen De Clercq
Delft University of Technology
 Meng Wang
TU Delft
Prof. Margarida Coelho
University of Aveiro - Department of Mechanical Engineering / Centre for Mechanical Technology and Automation, University of Aveiro
 Antonio Pascale
University of Aveiro
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