Lounge - Social Area Social events
Nov 03, 2020 10:45 AM - 11:15 AM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20201103T1045 20201103T1115 Europe/Amsterdam Coffee break & social activities

Session recordings

Watch the recording of this session: https://tudelft.zoom.us/rec/share/7MrztDrwMp44JPcUF72_eAop-ctxyMD_X8pAXOEFRcwMVUF0_3_UpxCGoU_jWPwo.-y5z0JyE2xPYCQuT Passcode: .HY#ma4C

Register for the pub quiz: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffOYHrkYCLAEeLyqBZho_Sfgmprjlyow62vx6z_XQ7SA6xBg/viewform

Welcome to Delft!

We wish you could all be here at TU Delft for the Forum ISTS2020 – we would have loved to guide you around the University campus! But as this cannot happen at the moment, please take some moments to explore TU Delft, by watching the following video or by "walking" around yourself, as if you were here, through the interactive virtual tour.

Social activities

Natasa Roukouni, Nagarjun Reddy, and Koen de Clercq are part of the social committee. We designed a digital social program for you to explore the Netherlands, meet each other, and show your creativity. In this session, we will introduce several activities for you to enjoy during this conference.

Transport music playlist

Can you think of any song that is somehow related to our favorite theme (transport, what else?). If yes, then please share it below, so we can create the Ultimate ISTS2020 Transport Playlist that after the end of the three days, all participants can have to remind them of the conference. Can be songs in English or/and your national languages. Transport includes so many different things – just use your imagination and be creative!

Link to the playlist: Spotify playlist


Did you get inspired by one of the presentations and you would like to share your thoughts with others? Did you wish you could be in the same room with your colleagues and explain to them your ideas ...

Lounge - Social Area IEEE- Forum ISTS2020 n.fontein@tudelft.nl
44 attendees saved this session

Session recordings

Watch the recording of this session: https://tudelft.zoom.us/rec/share/7MrztDrwMp44JPcUF72_eAop-ctxyMD_X8pAXOEFRcwMVUF0_3_UpxCGoU_jWPwo.-y5z0JyE2xPYCQuT 
Passcode: .HY#ma4C

Register for the pub quiz: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSffOYHrkYCLAEeLyqBZho_Sfgmprjlyow62vx6z_XQ7SA6xBg/viewform

Welcome to Delft!

We wish you could all be here at TU Delft for the Forum ISTS2020 – we would have loved to guide you around the University campus! But as this cannot happen at the moment, please take some moments to explore TU Delft, by watching the following video or by "walking" around yourself, as if you were here, through the interactive virtual tour.

Social activities

Natasa Roukouni, Nagarjun Reddy, and Koen de Clercq are part of the social committee. We designed a digital social program for you to explore the Netherlands, meet each other, and show your creativity. In this session, we will introduce several activities for you to enjoy during this conference.

Transport music playlist

Can you think of any song that is somehow related to our favorite theme (transport, what else?). If yes, then please share it below, so we can create the Ultimate ISTS2020 Transport Playlist that after the end of the three days, all participants can have to remind them of the conference. Can be songs in English or/and your national languages. Transport includes so many different things – just use your imagination and be creative!

Link to the playlist: Spotify playlist


Did you get inspired by one of the presentations and you would like to share your thoughts with others? Did you wish you could be in the same room with your colleagues and explain to them your ideas using a whiteboard, colorful markers, and post-its? Well, good news: now you can do this virtually! Connect to the Scribbleboard and use the shared whiteboard to express your ideas! Be creative and use as much space as you like – just remember to be kind with the ideas of others: you can add to one's drawings/notes, but you cannot erase their input ???? This will be an ongoing process during the conference; you can join any time to add something new or modify your entries. On the last day of the conference, we will share and discuss with you the final joint ISTS2020 infographic, during the final e-social gathering!

Link to the scribbleboard: Scribbleboard


Transport enthusiasts, ready for one hour full of sharing fun and transport-related (and not only) knowledge? Register for the PubQuiz that will close the first day of the Forum ISTS2020 in the most amusing way. We will allocate you in teams (if you didn't form them yet) – then you should talk with your team members, decide on a nice name for your team, and also on who will act as the team leader. That means that she/he will be the one responsible for sharing your answers and communicating with the PubQuiz organizers. Cool surprise prizes will be given to the top-3 teams, so do your best!

Make sure you register before 14:00 on November 3rd!

Link to the subscription form: Subscribe to PubQuiz!

See you there!

Kind regards,

Nagarjun Reddy
Natasa Roukouni
Koen de Clercq

Delft University of Technology
Mr. Koen De Clercq
Delft University of Technology
Mr. Jingjun Li
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
 Roozbeh Mohammadi
Aalto university
Dr. Charlotte Fléchon
PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG
Delft University of Technology
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