Lounge - Social Area Social events
Nov 04, 2020 11:15 AM - 11:30 AM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20201104T1115 20201104T1130 Europe/Amsterdam Coffee break

Photo Gallery

Do you have a nice (or not :P ) view from your window? Have you been making some pictures during the conference? Or maybe even cool transport-related pictures from your previous travels or experiences?

Please do share them with the rest of us at this conference!

You can upload them here: https://tinyurl.com/ForumISTSPics

Remember to caption your picture, and do mention your name :D

As inspiration:


Have you already checked out our very cool Scribbleboard?: https://awwapp.com/b/uacmvj163j0b9/

Feel free to use this space as your very own ideas sketchpad! Fill it up with your creative thoughts and inspirations, including pictures, text, or images!


Listen to this conference-attendee-sourced Transport Playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0CkzWYNNuitCIFbjBw3XTB?si=peafCJlATGen14fHR166Kg#_=_

There are already some very nice tracks added by fellow attendees! Do you have favourite transport-themed songs? Feel free to add them!

Dont forget to "FOLLOW" the Playlist!

Museum Tours

When traveling abroad for a conference, we all like to explore the host country and its culture, and visiting some museums is a great way to do so. So, we invite you to enjoy one or more of the virtual tours that some of the most interesting Dutch museums have to offer. You can choose your favorite museum(s) and follow the links below to wander around.

We recommend to check out this virtual tour during this break:


Do you prefer another? Then go here for an overview of all virtual tours and other social activities.

Lounge - Social Area IEEE- Forum ISTS2020 n.fontein@tudelft.nl
14 attendees saved this session

Photo Gallery

Do you have a nice (or not :P ) view from your window? Have you been making some pictures during the conference? Or maybe even cool transport-related pictures from your previous travels or experiences?

Please do share them with the rest of us at this conference!

You can upload them here: https://tinyurl.com/ForumISTSPics

Remember to caption your picture, and do mention your name :D

As inspiration:


Have you already checked out our very cool Scribbleboard?: https://awwapp.com/b/uacmvj163j0b9/

Feel free to use this space as your very own ideas sketchpad! Fill it up with your creative thoughts and inspirations, including pictures, text, or images!


Listen to this conference-attendee-sourced Transport Playlist! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0CkzWYNNuitCIFbjBw3XTB?si=peafCJlATGen14fHR166Kg#_=_

There are already some very nice tracks added by fellow attendees! Do you have favourite transport-themed songs? Feel free to add them!

Dont forget to "FOLLOW" the Playlist!

Museum Tours

When traveling abroad for a conference, we all like to explore the host country and its culture, and visiting some museums is a great way to do so. So, we invite you to enjoy one or more of the virtual tours that some of the most interesting Dutch museums have to offer. You can choose your favorite museum(s) and follow the links below to wander around.

We recommend to check out this virtual tour during this break:


Do you prefer another? Then go here for an overview of all virtual tours and other social activities.

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 Peyman  Ashkrof
Delft University of Technology
 Meng Wang
TU Delft
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