Lounge - Social Area Live Session | Social events
Nov 03, 2020 06:00 PM - 07:00 PM(Europe/Amsterdam)
20201103T1800 20201103T1900 Europe/Amsterdam E-SOCIAL GATHERING PubQuiz (live)

Transport enthusiasts, ready for one hour full of sharing fun and transport-related (and not only) knowledge? Register for the PubQuiz that will close the first day of the Forum ISTS2020 in the most amusing way. We will allocate you in teams (if you didn't form them yet) – then you should talk with your team members, decide on a nice name for your team, and also on who will act as the team leader. That means that she/he will be the one responsible for sharing your answers and communicating with the PubQuiz organizers. Cool surprise prizes will be given to the top-3 teams, so do your best!

Make sure you register before 14:00 on November 3rd!

Link to the subscription form: Subscribe to PubQuiz!

See you there!

Kind regards,

Nagarjun ReddyNatasa RoukouniKoen de Clercq

Lounge - Social Area IEEE- Forum ISTS2020 n.fontein@tudelft.nl
34 attendees saved this session

Transport enthusiasts, ready for one hour full of sharing fun and transport-related (and not only) knowledge? Register for the PubQuiz that will close the first day of the Forum ISTS2020 in the most amusing way. We will allocate you in teams (if you didn't form them yet) – then you should talk with your team members, decide on a nice name for your team, and also on who will act as the team leader. That means that she/he will be the one responsible for sharing your answers and communicating with the PubQuiz organizers. Cool surprise prizes will be given to the top-3 teams, so do your best!

Make sure you register before 14:00 on November 3rd!

Link to the subscription form: Subscribe to PubQuiz!

See you there!

Kind regards,

Nagarjun Reddy
Natasa Roukouni
Koen de Clercq

Delft University of Technology
 Nagarjun Reddy
TU Delft
Mr. Koen De Clercq
Delft University of Technology
Ms. Maren Schnieder
PhD Student
Loughborough University
Mrs. Fazio Martina
University of Catania
Mr. Jingjun Li
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Mr. Patrick Stokkink
École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
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