Due to societal and technological trends, our mobility systems and patterns are changing. New modes are entering (and leaving) the market. In this workshop, we look to the future of public transport from the perspective of authorities and operators. They will share their visions on the public transport of the future and we will discuss how scientific research can contribute to the transition. Research insights regarding emerging modes, such as bicycle sharing and on-demand transit will we presented in a workshop with a high level of interaction with the audience.
Virtual Plenary room IEEE- Forum ISTS2020 n.fontein@tudelft.nlDue to societal and technological trends, our mobility systems and patterns are changing. New modes are entering (and leaving) the market. In this workshop, we look to the future of public transport from the perspective of authorities and operators. They will share their visions on the public transport of the future and we will discuss how scientific research can contribute to the transition. Research insights regarding emerging modes, such as bicycle sharing and on-demand transit will we presented in a workshop with a high level of interaction with the audience.