Designing a Network of Electric Charging Stations to Mitigate Vehicle Emissions Watch Recording 0UndecidedSustainability Modelling01:30 PM - 01:50 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/11/04 12:30:00 UTC - 2021/03/01 12:50:00 UTC
Metropolitan authorities continue to seek programs and initiatives to reduce emissions in their jurisdictions. It has been shown that transitioning from fossil fuel to electric propulsion of transportation can help realize this goal. However, the current market penetration of electric vehicles (EVs) compared to internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) remains very small. This paper proposes a framework to address this problem over a long-term analysis period. The paper accounts for consumers vehicle-purchasing propensities and their route choices, locations of EV-charging and ICEV-refueling stations. In the proposed framework, new EV charging stations are provided at selected locations and/or existing gas stations are repurposed by the transport agencys decision maker (through policy) in conjunction with the private sector (through investment). The paper presents a bi-level mathematical model to capture the decision-making processes of the transport agency and the travelers. Underlying the framework is a solid theoretical foundation for the EV charging network design. The design problem is solved using an active-set algorithm. The study results can serve as guidance for metropolitan transport agencies to establish specific locations and capacities for EV stations and thereby to contribute to long-term reduction of emissions.
A brief overview of simulation and optimization in road network design problems: the problem of reversible lanes Watch Recording 0PresentationModeling, Control and Simulation01:50 PM - 02:10 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/11/04 12:50:00 UTC - 2021/03/01 13:10:00 UTC
Context-Based Broadcast Acknowledgement for Enhanced Reliability of Cooperative V2X Messages Watch Recording 0Undecided02:10 PM - 02:30 PM (Europe/Amsterdam) 2020/11/04 13:10:00 UTC - 2021/03/01 13:30:00 UTC
Most V2X applications/services are supported by the continuous exchange of broadcast messages. One of the main challenges is to increase the reliability of broadcast transmissions that lack of mechanisms to assure the correct delivery of the messages. To address this issue, one option is the use of acknowledgments. However, this option has scalability issues when applied to broadcast transmissions because multiple vehicles can transmit acknowledgments simultaneously. To control scalability while addressing reliability of broadcast messages, this paper proposes and evaluates a context-based broadcast acknowledgement mechanism where the transmitting vehicles selectively request the acknowledgment of specific/critical broadcast messages, and performs retransmissions if they are not correctly received. In addition, the V2X applications/services identify the situations/conditions that trigger the execution of the broadcast acknowledgment mechanism, and the receiver(s) that should acknowledge the broadcast messages. The paper evaluates the performance of the context-based broadcast acknowledgment mechanism for a Collective Perception Service. The obtained results show the proposed mechanism can contribute to improve the awareness of crossing pedestrians at intersections by increasing the reliability in the exchange of CPM messages between vehicles approaching the intersection. This solution is being discussed under IEEE 802.11bd, and thus can be relevant for the standardization process.
Presenters Baldomero Coll-Perales PostDoc Researcher, Universidad Miguel Hernandez De Elche (UMH) Co-Authors