Understanding Stakeholders Evaluation of Autonomous Vehicle Services Complementing Public Transport in an Urban Context

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Abstract Summary
Autonomous vehicles present opportunities for highly integrated multi-modal urban mobility services. This study reports on the evaluation of autonomous services that can be integrated with the existing public transport network. The autonomous services considered are first/last mile feeder services, on-demand point-to-point services, robo-taxis, and autonomous car-sharing and Bus Rapid Transit. In this evaluation, the views of users, public transport operators, public transport authorities and mobility service providers are taken into account. An in-depth understanding of the objectives for each stakeholder group is needed in order to assess the impact of new mobility services. Representatives from each stakeholder group were consulted to evaluate autonomous vehicle scenarios. Using the multi-actor multi-criteria analysis method, stakeholder criteria were weighted and used to calculate overall performance scores per scenario. The results indicate that users are positive towards all autonomous scenarios. For public transport operators all scenarios, except car-sharing, perform well. Public transport authorities believe more strongly in the benefits of on-demand point-to-point services, first/last mile feeders and bus rapid transport. Mobility service providers value flexible services most. These insights can be applied to evaluate the business models of public transport operators and mobility service providers and used to shape urban transport policies.
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Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Post-doctoral researcher
Vrije Universiteit Brussel
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